Imagine trying to bake a cake without  a recipe.

You kind of know what the ingredients are but you don’t know how to put it all together. After lots of hard work, all you’re left with is a sticky situation and a stomach ache.

This program teaches you how to bake your interior design business-cake and eat it too!

Here are the ingredients for a  profitable  design business:

Attracting high quality clients

... who see the value in paying a premium to work with you (& respect your boundaries)

Charging Premium Design Fees

Not including the profits you should be pocketing from selling furniture, procurement, and installation

Running Streamlined Projects 

... while catering to your client’s needs and keeps you fully in charge (while you manage a million details!)

Join the Interior Design Business Bakery™ today and get…

The Interior Design Business Content Portal

($15,000 Value)

The A-Z steps and systems to grow a profitable interior design business you love.

  • A suite of video training, worksheets, and resources you will use to uplevel every aspect of your interior design business - from marketing to pricing to sales to service and delivery. This content will be updated in real-time throughout the year and evolve with MIchelle’s best practices
  • A collection of business templates you can download, tweak, and customize for your business. (Why do all the legwork when I’ve already done it?)
  • Exclusive access to all the business coaching session replays and training Michelle leads throughout the year

12 Months of Coaching & Mentorship with Michelle

($25,000 Value)

Michelle is an experienced interior designer, coach, and teacher who currently leads a team of wickedly talented designers at her design firm, ML Interiors Group. She will walk you through implementing all the steps into your business to add five or six figures to your business over the next 12 months.

  • Access to Michelle, her team of interior designers, and her network of industry experts for an entire year to help you work through the planning, strategy, and implementation of all the program materials
  • A suite of document and video content that is consistently updated in real time to match the always evolving interior design industry
  • 2 Live Trainings every month, covering every aspect of growing and streamlining your interior design business from A to Z, including a digital media strategist
  • 2 Live Q&A sessions every month to provide space to work through your obstacles together. Michelle & her team of designers will provide their expertise to help you to create, market, price, and sell your interior design services -- Jump on the calendar to be in the “hot seat” whenever you need personalized support!

The private Interior Design Business Bakery Facebook group

($1,497 Value)

Inside the Interior Designer’s Business Bakery Facebook Group, you’ll receive access to a powerful community of emerging interior designers who are all about creating and not competing. When you win, we all win.

  • Group coaching in an intimate setting where you get all your questions answered
  • Group Q&A sessions where you can learn from the challenges your peers have (All discussions are confidential!)
  • Bonus training, feedback, Q&A and support from Michelle and her team of designers and industry experts inside a private Facebook group for program members only
  • A safe space to ask questions, for feedback, and interact with fellow designers

Exclusive bonus

Michelle Lynne’s Rolodex of Resources

($497 value)

In this “little black book” of interior design magic, Michelle gives you her list of the best resources in the biz - collected over 10+ years of weeding through the good to get to the great. Nothing is left out!

  • Marketing tools
  • Industry vendors
  • Business contacts
  • Gifting solutions
  • Software to make operating your business a breeze

Exclusive bonus

Get certified and stand out

($497 value)

The Interior Design Business Process Professional Designation (IDBPP) is a credential that you’ll earn and shows your clients that you’re the real deal. It shows clients you’ve got your *ish together* and you’re really darn good at what you do. In short, it’s what gives clients that little extra confidence to invest with you. Once you’ve completed the required portion of the coursework, you have the option to take a 45-minute test on everything we cover.

If you pass, you get the designation, and you’ll be able to share the Interior Design Process Professional designation button on your website, marketing materials, email signature, and more! You'll also get a fancy certificate you can frame and hang with pride.

Exclusive bonus

Access to my Badass Coaching Team

($15,000 value)

Our Master Coaches round out your Bakery membership by adding marketing, branding and mindset strategies to help you create the design business of your dreams. We know you'll have questions beyond interior design and our master coaches help you embrace these areas with confidence.

  • Create a social media and content strategy like a pro
  • Learn how to create a high-end brand that attracts your ideal client
  • Develop the mindset you’ll need to get out of your own way

Want to  join  but need more info?

Schedule a call with me, and i'll help you decide if this program is the right fit for you.


Meet our Master Coaches

Our Master Coaches teach on marketing, branding and mindset strategies to help you create the design business of your dreams

Sara Wright

Master Coach Sara is the owner of SLW Media, a social media & marketing agency.

She helps her clients find their social voices and amplify them across the right platforms. Her monthly sessions cover all you need to know about social strategy and content creation, providing invaluable marketing training for our Bakers.


Mae Gerhart

Registered CPA and wealth activation architect

 Mae is a registered CPA, and Wealth Activation Architect, with a great understanding of Human Design. Her mission is to help you use your unique energetic blueprint to align with wealth, abundance, and the security of knowing that your finances are in check.

Nicole Laino

Master Coach Nicole Laino is a peak performance coach. 

She spent 6 years in corporate at a Fortune 100 company before leaving her career for entrepreneurship. As a self-described Type A Hippie, Nicole coaches our members to overcome their limiting beliefs through brain-based scientific methods so they can achieve massive success.

April Gandy

Owner and Principal Designer, Alluring Designs

After serving our country in the Air Force Reserve for 21 years, April started her career in interior design in 2006 when she flipped her first property. Now having full renovations under her belt with an expanded team, April coaches our designers on her methods to create a successful business in every stage along their journey.


Ben Rutledge

Marketing and Website Expert Specializing in Interior Design

Ben has been in the world of local, service-based business marketing for over 12 years. Specializing in strategy, he loves helping interior designers create low-effort marketing system that work seamlessly together to generate leads and grow businesses.


Heather Vercellino

Owner and Principal Designer of Verce Design
+ OG Baker

Heather coaches on the client experience and expectations. (You know, once they sign on the dotted line there is a whole new level of questions and challenges.) Her experience before, during, and after The Bakery lends well to the "real life" aspect of running your own business. 


DeDe Dewine Holloway


With a degree in design from the Art Institute of Dallas, DeDe has honed her creative skills in designing residential interiors and specializes in kitchen and bath remodels. She shares that expertise and her experience with our members.

Join to Our Free Facebook Group

a highly active and unique community

Click here to join

My team and I have included everything you need to...

Take your interior design business to the  next level:

The ultimate “cookbook” to running a profitable interior design business

Detailed modules that cover the A-Z of running a highly profitable interior design business.

  • The ins and outs of pricing your design services and what to charge your clients that’s relevant to your experience and your market
  • How to market your business and attract top shelf clients who bring the best projects (and the best budgets!) to the table
  • How to give your clients an experience so special and personal that they refer you to all of their friends & family

Dozens of downloads and templates to make your own

Copy and paste your brand logo onto my simple templates and make them your own — no more stress on your end.

  • Newsletter email marketing templates you can personalize and send directly to your email list
  • A swipe file of blog post titles you can tailor based on your experience and preferences
  • A simple, easy calculator you can use to quickly and consistently determine your rates, while ensuring profits are baked into your project
  • Three sample contracts you can adapt to your terms and conditions (Be sure to consult an attorney on this!)
  • A Scope of Work document sample that all but guarantees the client will say yes to the project (and come back for seconds!)

12 months of group coaching lessons from Michelle

Learn the exact steps for adding additional revenue streams to your business and providing a better outcome for your client, just by charging appropriately for the work you’re already doing.

  • How to shop to the trade (not just Home Goods), set up accounts, and negotiate better pricing, so you can create better designs, accelerate your reputation, improve your portfolio, and attract better clients
  • How to shop the wholesale markets like a boss. I’ll show you how to profit on the sale of every piece of furniture in your beautiful designs while making the highest margins
  • How to charge for things you’re already doing for free -- like procurement, installation, styling & staging, and returning broken or damaged items (and how to justify every line item to your clients along the way!)

A mastermind of interior designers

Join a group of ambitious (but kind!) interior designers who are all working towards similar goals. You’ll love the camaraderie and support along the way!

  • Group coaching in an intimate setting where you get all your questions answered
  • Group Q&A sessions where you can learn from the challenges your peers are sharing (All discussions are confidential!)
  • Bonus training and support from Michelle’s team and network of industry experts
  • A welcoming community inside a private Facebook group for program members only

Get certified and stand out in the Industry

The Interior Design Business Process Professional Designation (IDBPP) is a credential that you’ll earn and shows your clients that you’re the real deal.

It shows clients you’ve got your *ish together* and you’re really darn good at what you do. In short, it’s what gives clients that little extra confidence to invest with you. Once you’ve completed the required portion of the coursework, you have the option to take a 45-minute test on everything we cover.

If you pass, you get the designation, and you’ll be able to share the Interior Design Process Professional designation button on your website, marketing materials, email signature, and more! You'll also get a fancy certificate you can frame and hang with pride.


Access to my Badass Coaching Team

Our Master Coaches round out your Bakery membership by adding marketing, branding and mindset strategies to help you create the design business of your dreams. We know you'll have questions beyond interior design and our master coaches help you embrace these areas with confidence.

  • Create a social media and content strategy like a pro
  • Learn how to create a high-end brand that attracts your ideal client
  • Develop the mindset you’ll need to get out of your own way

Ready to join the Interior Design Business Bakery™?

Choose the Interior Design Business Bakery option that's right for you and get started now:

Pay Monthly


12 Payments


Pay Upfront


Save $1200


Not quite ready for this level?

No problem, Babe, check out our Sugar & Spice Society and "pre-heat your oven" in preparation for joining the Bakery.

Sugar & Spice Society

While we provide the highest and best level of services as provided in the scope of the agreement, as with any program, The Designed for the Creative Mind is unable to make promises or guarantees with respect to any outcome from participation in the Interior Business Bakery Program, and therefore we cannot and do not guarantee success or any specific level of income or results associated with the services provided. You understand that ultimately you are responsible for your own success and that this program is designed to enhance, supplement, and support your business in your efforts to grow.