Millionaire Mindset: 5 Steps to Growing a Money-Maker Mentality



What if making your way to millionaire status was as easy as changing the way you think? There’s of course more to it than just wishing, hoping, and visualizing that first million, but having a millionaire mindset will absolutely get you there faster- and, you’ll actually enjoy the moments while you make your climb.

I’ve narrowed it down to just five steps to help you develop a money-maker mentality. Keep reading to start thinking like a millionaire and be on your way to becoming one. 


Lead With Kindness

Great news, babes! You kind of already know everything you need to in order to lay the groundwork for thinking like a millionaire… and you’ve (hopefully) been putting it into practice since your early elementary school years. I’m talking about kindness, of course. 

If you lead with a kind heart and a gentle soul, you’re already in the game. So let the sunshine in and sprinkle good juju wherever you go. A happy spirit is one that nobody can resist, including current clients, future clients, and even colleagues. When you’re a joy to work with, you’re a hot commodity that nobody can resist. 


Remember: Your Time is Money

Take some time to figure out a schedule that works for you and your business. Your time is money, so stop working for free. Create a schedule and a project-based fee structure to ensure you’re getting paid for every single second of your work day. 

Figure out what you have time for, and what you don’t. If it doesn’t make you money, don’t do it! And, if there’s room for you to bring in someone else to help, outsourcing tasks will help you get ahead, too. 

When you take control of your schedule and ultimately your work-life balance, you’ll really start to feel the increase in productivity.


Don’t Get Caught Up in Technology

Yes, workflow apps are amazing. They can absolutely increase your productivity. But, you shouldn’t rely solely on apps and technology to run your business. My advice- choose a couple of workflow apps that you can learn quickly and implement them into your routine. If you have to spend hours absorbing how to make them work for you, they’re not worth your time. So set aside an afternoon so sift through some workflow apps and make a few decisions. 

When you’re choosing where to go with technology, remember, there’s no replacement for regular old fashioned lists. And yes, it’s perfectly fine to use your phone to do voice recordings or keep track of your lists, we can’t ignore the digital world completely.



Never Stop Learning

Once you stop learning, you stop growing- and that includes your bank account, too. You won’t see an increase in your incoming funds without continued education. Dedicate a little time each week to your own learning, whether it’s business or design related. I happen to know a lady that specializes in helping other designers crush the business/design world, so enroll in a free workshop to jumpstart your quest for knowledge.

Networking with other designers is also a great way to soak up knowledge, and learn from other’s experiences. Check out Facebook groups or even in-person networking events. I’m also hosting the 3rd Annual Interior Design Business Success Summit coming up on October 12 for designers that want to learn all the tricks of the trade from leading design industry experts. 


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Do you know how many millionaires don’t set goals and stick to their vision? I’m not sure of the exact stats, but I’m pretty sure the answer here is zero. Having a millionaire mindset means creating a vision and outlining the steps to get there. What is it that you want to achieve, and how are you going to do it? 

Always search for solutions, never focus on the problems. Maintaining your focus and vision will help you stay the path to your ultimate dreams. Zero in on your own growth and don’t let anything get in your way. 


Final Thoughts

Babes, it doesn’t have to be overcomplicated! These five steps will help you merge your design and business mind so you can run a successful business and develop that millionaire mentality. Yes, you can make  five and six-figure leaps in your interior design business. 

And guess what, from fabrics to finances, I’ll coach you through the business side of running a thriving, profitable interior design business (without boring you to tears — and that’s a promise). All you need is the secret sauce. And lucky for you, I’ve bottled it up for you inside my sweet coaching program, the Interior Design Business Bakery.

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