7 Action Items To Add To Your To-Do List | Interior Designer

7 Action Items To Add To Your To-Do List
Whaaaat??? ADD items to my already full to-do list?
YEP. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Warren Buffett once said that it is wise for investors to be “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."
Michelle, why are you telling us what Warren Buffett said?
I know that this crazy pandemic has made a lot of us want to curl up in a ball since the future is so unknown - but now is NOT the time for interior designers to hide under the covers and wait for things to get better...
You need to focus, get busy, and start grabbing all of the business that is out there. I promise you, it IS OUT THERE!
It might seem like (1) there is SO MUCH TO DO that you don't know where to start, but it also might feel like (2) there is nothing to do.
Either way, I've put together a list of action items that will give you a place to start!
(1) Refresh your website.
Go through each one of your website pages and look at your SEO - is it up to par? Are you using keywords to attract your ideal client? Are the images updated and THE BEST of your interior design work?
(2) Create content for your website.
Write content that is SEO friendly to drive traffic to your website. What is the user experience like? Does it drive people to contact you and set up an initial call? Are you blogging????? Blogging keeps your website fresh in the eyes of the Google, and will keep it showing up in searches when you're refreshing it at least monthly.
(3) Email campaigns are AMAZING!
Are you using an email platform for campaigns or automations? What happens if Instagram or Facebook get hacked and go away for any length of time? (GASP?!) Who would you market to? The email list you build today may save your business tomorrow.
Not sure where to start? First, check out Mailchimp or Constant Contact as platforms to use.
Then, consider using my 12 months of "newsletter" content to populate your upcoming year. And then fill in the gaps with some seasonal content while you educate your readers on who you are and the importance of using an interior designer.
It's not as difficult as it sounds once you get the ball rollling.
(4) Create a freemium (or five).
Experiment with what gets people on your email list. Create free content that anybody can sign up to receive. They'll be placed on the aforementioned email list. Within that email list, be nurturing and marketing to them regularly (see #3).
(5) Try out direct mail.
Do you have a mailing list? Create a small direct mailing campaign. Visit Vistaprint - it's inexpensive and easy to use. Go small but deep with your campaign. Be picky with your mailing list and send them three different but branded post-cards as a "campaign".
(6) Run some Facebook or Instagram ads.
Make sure to drive them to your website and have a CTA (call to action). This is not something you'll want to do on your own, finding an individual who is well versed in the Facebook Ad platform will save you time and money.
(7) Run a contest on Instagram itself.
Post on Instagram something small that you can give away - whether it's a cute coffee tumbler or a half-hour video consultation. Everybody loves feeling like a winner. Plus, it's a fun excuse to say "winner winner chicken dinner". haha. Maybe that's just me?
Your Action Item:
Try out two of those things, five of them or ALL of them. Once these things start showing momentum and activity, hone in on the two or three tactics that are working for you!
If you need to invest a little more into this tactic, invest a little more!
What you are doing today, is going to pay off in 6 months or a year down the line - so don't hide your head in the sand.
Get to work and roll with it!
Need additional business advice / guidance / accountability? I offer Personal Coaching to a limited number of clients per quarter. If you're interested, fill out the application HERE and let's see if we can work together!