112. The Recipe For A Big Girl Business

Episode #112

In this episode of the podcast, we discuss the recipe for building a successful interior design business. A big part of that is going to be finding the right mentor and making sure that you get the support you need to help grow your business.


We outline the key ingredients for growing an interior design business, especially if you're in the early stages:

  • Identifying your ideal client
  • Strong marketing and sales strategy
  • The Importance of good pricing strategies
  • Considering procurement processes
  • The 4 phases of interior design projects .


These ingredients are essential to your business running smoothly and to get you out of trading your time for dollars. Don't underestimate the value of creating repeatable processes to ensure business continuity even when you're not present and how this is key to building a sustainable and profitable business. 

Thank you for listening, and if you enjoyed the show, please rate and review! 


Podcast Website and Resources:

Get more info about our year-long mentorship and coaching program: https://www.designedforthecreativemind.com/business-bakery  

Text UPDATES to 855-784-8299 for business tips, encouragement, and all our DFCM updates.

SIMPLIFY YOUR MARKETING, SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE. Sidemark is an all-new, all-in-one software that organizes sales, marketing, and business services all in one convenient location. Join mysidemark.com to help grow your interior design business.


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