88. Why Women Should Strive for $250k Years Instead of $10k Months with Tara Newman

Tara Newman is the Founder and CEO of The Bold Profit Academy, where she teaches service-based business owners how to sell premium services and programs without the emotional stress of launching, worrying about ads, overwhelming social strategies, or complex funnels. 


Tara is an expert in business strategy and industrial organizational psychology and a Profit First Certified Consultant. It’s her goal to help her clients create significant income and leverage their businesses to generate real, tangible wealth.


In this episode, we chat about how you can be a millionaire without having a million-dollar business. Tara believes in paying yourself well, profiting wisely, and investing in your net worth, all without losing sight of your mental, emotional and energetic wealth.


Visit https://theboldleadershiprevolution.com/ to learn more and don’t forget to get your free revenue goal calculator at: https://theboldleadershiprevolution.com/revenue-goal-calculator/. Follow Tara on Instagram @thetaranewman.


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Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.


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